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My equestrian adventure began... in 1984 at Prude Ranch in West Texas. I spent two weeks there, riding and branding cattle. 


Most often found atop... my blue-eyed paint Coltin or my sassy chestnut Trixie!


A horse that changed my life... I bought Coltin just after my father lost his battle against cancer. He showed me that horses have exceptional healing powers. 


Greatest inspiration... my dog, Apollo. He loved everyone, was suspicious of people in big hats and sunglasses and he looked to each day with enthusiasm no matter what we were doing. 


Best thing about teaching... watching new generations fall in love with horses - and their feeling of accomplishment after learning something new.


Words to live by... "If you can dream and not make dreams your master, if you can think and not make thoughts your aim, if you can meet triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same..." (Kipling). Also, "Look fear in the eye and boldly step forward". 


I'd love to... learn to shoot from my horse (c'mon, I am from Texas)!


I wish someone had told me... that not all horses come trained to walk, trot and canter, and to stay away from the fence if your horse takes off!


If I weren't a riding instructor... I'd teach history, especially the Second World era. I almost went back to school so that I could write a dissertation on the topic! Instead, history books litter my bedside table and I spend all of my free time reading. 

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